the bead-and-comb loom


artist’s statement:

Hello and welcome to my work! I am very pleased to announce that the basic design of the Bead-and-Comb Loom is finished. I am currently developing fabrics and methods of manufacture and finishing on the completed device, as well as variants according to function and purpose.

The Bead-and-Comb Loom is a mechanical textile device that achieves two main outcomes:

The first is that my device consolidates a number of textile idioms into one simple, inexpensive, efficient loom. The mechanical engine of this device can:

  • weave without weft, generating material that exhibits both fabric and rope behaviors.

  • weave with weft, creating exotic split-ply structures as well as more familiar types of woven fabrics.

  • perform bias weaving. Another term for this is interlacing.

Perhaps as importantly, the Bead-and-Comb Loom promotes a new facility of design - the perspective of textile shown by the device will undoubtedly promote new ideas, products, and uses. Although my device is a manual mechanical loom, the primary mechanism represents the essential step towards full industrialization of these structures.

I believe that this device will contribute to our world via applied textile solutions to modern human problems. 

I hope that you will join me on this journey.

Tony Evon